Crewing / Employment practices

Crewing / Employment practices

02/17/10 | by admin [mail] | Categories: Articles

Company employment practices, as for the maritime seagoing sector, have changed during the past years or so to say they have evolved to a new low. It is the age of Internet, it is the age of standards and formalizations, it is the age of computers running databases, it is the age of mindless underpaid labour, and you can feel all of it.


The seagoing sector has lost the human touch. Your applications no longer sit on someones desk… They are stored in a database. No one needs to audit the applications. Everything is automated! Merely enter the search criteria and in the blink of an eye, a job candidate ! Thousands of agencies boast in the size of their databases. You need a job candidate ?! Behold, We have them in our database of a s much as 20000, 30000 etc. seafarers!

Your applications are no longer audited by a competent person, a thinking individual with understanding of the job requirements. They are stored and sorted through the use of standardized forms.
If you don’t fit into the standard, that is too bad !

At best your application is glanced on by a mindless clerk who has his brief instructions regarding maritime jobs and responsibility of feeding the information to the “all-knowing” computer.

The common requirement to you, the job seeker, regardless of your inquiry is to complete the form. The following, or similarly phrased, sentence accompanies the initial contact:
“Please can you complete and return the attached Application Form? We can not give you any information regarding available jobs until you complete the attached application form”

And the common feedback after you have painstakingly spent half a day entering all the required data in the form that asks for everything except maybe your credit card number is:
“We acknowledge receipt of your application and thank you for expressing an interest in our company. We will contact you in due course should we have a suitable vacancy, alternatively your application will be retained on file.”

Naturally, the whole communication process is gentle, courteous, and polite, designed in a way to keep you cooperative and interested; to pull you for the nose.

The companies often say that their most valuable resource is the employee. While applying for jobs you are requested to share private, sensitive, information. However, no one has secured your privacy. The connection between you and the server is unencrypted. No one really cares about your privacy, you are not a paying customer, you are no valuable employee, you are but a number!

The business says: “The world fleet is short of 10000 officers". However the sentence should say: “The world fleet is short of 10000 officers that are willing to work for the compensation offered".

And that ever-present sentence “We offer competitive wages” means nothing more than we offer exactly the same as everybody else. Pay, and you shall receive !

The catchword of every employer is experience… They all want experience and no one is ready to pay for it.
And the insistence on experience has become irrational to the extent of impossible. The problem is with the constant improvement, an SMS requirement but that is another topic…
Why is there need to have an experience with everything ?! There is no difference between small, medium, and big. The law of physics remain the same !

What happened to common sense ?!

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