Archives for: February 2010, 17

Final Date to exchange the UNLIMITED certificates

02/17/10 | by admin [mail] | Categories: News

According to the new regulation the final date for the mandatory exchange of UNLIMITED certificates to the ones with an expiry date will be 01. June 2011.

More information on Ministry of Sea, Traffic and Infrastructure

Crewing / Employment practices

02/17/10 | by admin [mail] | Categories: Articles

Company employment practices, as for the maritime seagoing sector, have changed during the past years or so to say they have evolved to a new low. It is the age of Internet, it is the age of standards and formalizations, it is the age of computers running databases, it is the age of mindless underpaid labour, and you can feel all of it.


Croatia Maritime

Croatia Maritime is dedicated to the ones sailing the seven seas and other supporters of the sea-life community.

February 2010
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